Persol - Luxottica
Out Of Home

Luxottica, a world leader in the design, production, and distribution of high-quality eyewear, has launched a new edition of the iconic Persol glasses "The Icon," dedicated to the legendary style icon Steve McQueen. To celebrate this exclusive launch, a 3D OOH (Out of Home) video was commissioned, projected on the windows of La Rinascente in Milan, one of the city’s most prestigious and frequented locations. The goal was to capture the attention of passersby and create an immersive visual experience that evokes the unmistakable style and timeless elegance of Steve McQueen.
Capture the attention of passersby: Utilize 3D technology to create a remarkable visual impact and attract the audience’s attention to the windows of La Rinascente.
Highlight the heritage and elegance of the brand: Communicate the legacy of the Persol brand and its connection to Steve McQueen, a symbol of class and refinement.
Stimulate interest in the new collection: Encourage customers to explore the Persol collection and consider purchasing the new models inspired by Steve McQueen.
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